Dr. Xavier Perpiñà
IMB-CNM address
Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB) Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CNM)
C/ dels Til.lers s/n. Campus UAB - Bellaterra 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain
Xavier Perpiñà Giribet has a degree in Physical Sciences (1999), in Electronics Engineering (2005) and a PhD in Electronics Engineering (2005) from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. In 1999, he joined the clean room of the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona-National Center for Microelectronics (IMB-CNM, CSIC). The research activities of X. Perpiñá started with his PhD work (2000). It consisted in developing an optical set-up to measure the profile of thermal gradient (Internal IR-Laser Deflection, IIR-LD), absolute temperature (Fabry-Pérot Interferometry-based thermometry, FPI) and the excess-carrier density (electrons and holes) inside working power devices for physical characterization at die-level. For the first time, such techniques were applied in a whole operating device (millimetre sized device). As a result, he was awarded by the Catalan Society of Technology (2003) and the scientific committee of the conference MIEL 04 (best oral presentation, 2004).
After, he started a post-doctoral stage at PEARL-Alstom (Tarbes, France, post-doc period in 2005-2007). There, he analysed the power devices ruggedness depending on the heat removal system or overloading operation conditions. After 2 years, he came back to IMB-CNM, starting a new research line (from 2007 up to now). It mainly deals with die-level electrothermal characterization approaches to debug or improve the reliability of power devices, advanced encapsulated systems and complex integrated circuits. He has been hired as a researcher in the competitive programs JAE-DoC (2008-2010) and “Ramón and Cajal” (2010-2017). Since July 2018, he is a CSIC tenured scientist.
Currently, he is co-coordinator of the Physics Frontiers and Civil Security research unit at IMB-CNM and, since June 2021, he is responsible for the “Power System Integration and Reliability” team of the IMB-CNM (CSIC). He has supervised 3 PhD students. Their work dealt with thermo-mechanical studies on different die-attach materials for high temperature (L. Navarro now in SENER), several aspects to enhance the performances of IR lock-in thermography in frequency as a non-invasive tool (J. León, now in BSH, and power semiconductor device local analysis to improve the reliability in induction cookers (M. Fernández, now in BSH). Currently he is supervising 2 PhD students (C. Ferrer and F. Bonet) and 1 JdC-formación (O. Aviñó), related on new approaches for IR thermography (C. Ferrer) and IIR-LD (F. Bonet) time resolution improvement and physics of failure analysis in power semiconductor devices (O. Aviñó). In summary, he has participated in 18 projects of the EU programs (9) and the National Plan (10, being in 3 of them IP), 2 projects of the ESA, 3 projects of the platform ENIAC (being in one of them Principal Investigator –PI–), 3 projects of the ECSEL platform (being PI in one of them), and in 17 R & D contracts between IMB-CNM and the industry (being PI in 4).
His research works have been published in 72 international journals with SCI (+4 without SCI), 73 international congresses, as well as in other publications and congresses nationwide (10). He holds 6 patents, 3 being licensed. He has published 1 book, edited 2 (on railway traction), and made 2 book chapters. He has been co-organizer of 1 international conference of maximum relevance in power electronics (ISPSD’09) and a workshop on LED bulbs (CSSL). He is member of the scientific/steering committees of ESREF, EUROSIME, AEIT AUTO and THERMINIC congresses/conferences, as well as a regular reviewer of the following conferences: AEIT AUTO, ESREF, EPE-PEMC, EPE-ECCE and IPEC-ECCE ASIA.