Dra. Gemma Rius
IMB-CNM address
Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB) Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CNM)
C/ dels Til.lers s/n. Campus UAB - Bellaterra 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain
Gemma Rius (Barcelona, 1977) graduated in Physics by the UAB in 2008. She was a nanolithography engineer and Ph.D. student at the Nanofabrication and NEMS Group of the IMB-CNM-CSIC on nanofabrication and integration of nanocarbon electronic devices and silicon nanomechanical devices. As a postdoctoral researcher in Japan, she has been one year at Tohoku University (Sendai) and two years at Toyota Technological Institute (Nagoya), and three years at Nagoya Institute of Technology (Nagoya) as assistant professor. From December 2015, Dr. Rius was a granted as a Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral researcher at the IMB-CNM-CSIC for the development of graphene single digit nanometer patterning for functional structures and operational devices as well as other on-campus graphene-based projects.
From 2018, she is appointed as a Ramon y Cajal Scientist at Power Devices and Systems Group. In parallel to developing graphene technology, she leads several international collaborations and projects, focused on the 1) advance of micro/nanofabrication technologies and 2) applications based in heterostructured (nano)materials, such as carbon nanofiber probes, ZnO thin films and nanorods, etc. She has more than 60 publications including some review articles, book chapters and the edition of a book in epitaxial graphene on SiC. She is involved on education and supervision of both undergraduate and graduate students, mainly within the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology studies of the UAB, as well as promoting/hosting international exchanges.