Emma Solà

PhD Student

IMB-CNM address

Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB) Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CNM)

C/ dels Til.lers s/n. Campus UAB - Bellaterra 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain


Emma Solà Marimon was born in 1998 in El Vendrell, Tarragona, Spain. She received her B.S. in Physics in 2016 from University of Barcelona. Currently, she is pursuing her M.S degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, specializing on microelectronics branch, from Autonumus University of Barcelona. She joined Power Devices and Systems Group, Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM), in 2021. Her research is mainly focused on silver sintered nanoparticles as a high performance die attach material. Currently, she is a member of the IMB-CNM Gender Committee.