PDS participates in the 1rst SCAPE Project Workshop: Modular and Scalable EV Power Converter Design. Unlocking a future of reliable, lightweight, and affordable EVs?

July 19, 2023 The first Workshop organised by the  EU-funded Horizon Europe SCAPE Project ("Switching-Cell-Array-based Power Electronics conversion for future electric vehicles") took place on July 19th, 2023. The workshop was part of the International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT 2023) held at at the University of...

Master Thesis Defense

July 13, 2023 Miquel Tutusaus from PDS Group defensed his Master Thesis in Electronic Engineering (MEE) at UPC with his work entitled Design of a test methodology for the analysis of derating rules in space power devices, obtaining the maximum qualificaction. Congratulations!!!

Self-powered smart power modules

May 26th, 2023 The importance of power electronics is rapidly increasing in today's world, primarily driven by the growing need for electrification in order to eliminate fossil fuels consumption. Power converters are responsible for the processing and control of electric energy, ensuring efficient management of high amounts of electrical power. Power...

Industrial electrification and
decarbonization in 2050

May 15th, 2023 Within the cycle "Climate warming: Energy solutions from today for tomorrow" organized by the "Residencia d'Investigadors", the CSIC and the "Fundació Catalana per la Recerca i la Innovació", Dr. Xavier Jordà from the PDS Group gave the talk entitled "Industrial electrification and decarbonization in 2050". The electrification of industrial processes...

Job offers

Power Devices and Systems Group (PDS) offers 1 JAE-INTRO scholarship for introduction to research:  Reference: JAEINT23_EX_1189 Principal Investigator: Xavier Perpiñà Giribet E-mail contact: xavier.perpinya@imb-cnm.csic.es Formation Plan: Estudio de fenómenos electrotérmicos locales en dispositives semiconductores de potencia avanzados mediante deflexión interna d haz ñáser (IIRLD).  Dates: From April 15th to May 15th, 2023 More info: https://jaeintro.csic.es/en/

 iRel40 project: WP5 Workshop

March 29-30, 2023 In March 2023, the WP5 workshop of the iRel40 project took place at Technical University of Delft (The Netherlands). Oriol Aviñó from PDS Group participed in the event presenting the last results of the IMB-CNM activities and chairing one of the sessions. At the bottom picture, Oriol Avinó together...