Local Thermal Resistance Extraction in Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits

M. Vellvehi, X. Perpiñà, J. León, O. Aviñó-Salvadó, C. Ferrer and X. Jordà IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics The thermal resistance of a High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) forming part of a Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) is non-invasively extracted under real working conditions (electrical and thermal) by infrared thermal imaging....

Origin of the Large Negative Electrocaloric Effect in Antiferroelectric PbZrO3

P. Vales-Castro, R. Faye, M.Vellvehi, Y.Nouchokgwe, X. Perpiñà, J.M.Caicedo, X. Jordà, K. Roleder, D. Kajewski, A. Perez-Tomas, E. Defay, G. Catalan Physical Review B We have studied the electrocaloric response of the archetypal antiferroelectric PbZrO3 as a function of voltage and temperature in the vicinity of its antiferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition....

Power module electronics in HEV/EV applications: New trends in wide ban-dgap semiconductor technologies and design aspects

A. Matallana, E. Ibarra, I. López, J. Andreu, J.I. Garate, X. Jordà, J. Rebollo Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews A large number of factors such as the increasingly stringent pollutant emission policies, fossil fuel scarcity and their price volatility have increased the interest towards the partial or total electrification of...