Last 12 - 14 March the members of the PDS Group Mariana Raya, Emma Solà and Xavier Jordà, participated in the 13th edition of the International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, CIPS 2024, held in Düsseldorf, Germany. We presented the contribution entitled "Estimation of thermo-mechanical Anand model parameters of...
Invited IMB-CNM Talk: ePowered
RACING – the electric competition
ePowered RACING is a team of 19 engineering students specializing in Mechanical, Electronic, and Electrical disciplines who work at the Barcelona School of Engineering (EEBE-UPC). They are passionate about both motorcycling and engineering, and they compete in the MotoStudent International
Successful Scientific Workshop on Power Devices at the EFICIENCE Industrial Chair
The industrial chair EFICIENCE hosted the highly successful scientific workshop SMIPPE in Tarbes (France), organized by Prof. Paul-Étienne Vidal from ENIT Tarbes. The event gathered leading experts and researchers to discuss advancements in power devices and related technologies. A highlight of the workshop was the insightful guest lecture by Researcher...
PDS Group participation in the EMPS 2023 Symposium
November, 2023 Emma Solà and Xavier Jordà from PDS Group particiapted in the Electronic Materials & Packaging in Space (EMPS) symposium held at ESTEC (ESA) in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, from 21-23 November 2023. Emma Solà presented her work entitled: High-Temperature Aging Tests of Silver Sintering Materials used as Die-attach Layers....
Nit Europea de la Recerca 2023
September-October, 2023 Xavier Perpinyà and Oriol Aviño from the Power Devices and Systems group, participated in the European Research Night 2023 initiative in series of presentations in high schools (X. Perpinyà) and in series of micro-talks (O. Aviñó).
Presentation of the ePR03 electric-powered bike from the ePowered Racing team
October 6, 2023 On October 6, 2023, the ePowered Racing team of the Escola d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est (EEBE) presented his last electric-powered bike the EPR03. The Power Devices and Systems (PDS) group of IMB-CNM(CSIC), through its AIE D+T Microelectrònica has sponsored one more year the team, which will participate...
Jornadas de grupos de investigación BSH
Septembre 12, 2023 Several members of the PDS Group participated in a two-day activity with BSHE. Firstly, a training course was held on 06/09/2023 at BSHE headquarters in Montañana (top photo). This course covered theoretical aspects of induction cooktops and included a visit to the manufacturing line. Secondly, they attended...
PDS participates in the 1rst SCAPE Project Workshop: Modular and Scalable EV Power Converter Design. Unlocking a future of reliable, lightweight, and affordable EVs?
July 19, 2023 The first Workshop organised by the EU-funded Horizon Europe SCAPE Project ("Switching-Cell-Array-based Power Electronics conversion for future electric vehicles") took place on July 19th, 2023. The workshop was part of the International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT 2023) held at at the University of...